2012 | de CONINCK (V.), BRAECKMAN (J.G.). The value of Prostate HistoScanning. Presented as candidature at the bi-annual joint ELAUT-prijs/prix-ELAUT meeting of the Belgische Vereniging voor Urologie (BVU) and Société Belge d’Urologie (SBU). 21/01/2012, Neerpelt (B). | EN |
2012 | EPPLEN (R.), van ESSEN (J.), PORRES (D.), PFISTER (D.J.K.P.), HEIDENREICH (A.). Is Histoscanning a valid tool to detect prostate cancer in repeat biopsy? Publication and presentation at the annual meeting of the Association of Urology (EAU). Poster Session #66 “Prostate cancer: Diagnosis”, A.36834-800, 27/02/2012, Paris (F). | EN |
2012 | EPPLEN (R.), van ESSEN (J.), van ERPS (T.), PORRES (D.), PFISTER (D.J.K.P.), HEIDENREICH (A.). Detection of prostate cancer with HistoScanning: A retrospective analysis in 85 patients. Presented and published at the annual Genitourinary Cancers symposium of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (GUCA-ASCO). Poster Session “General Poster Session A: Prostate Cancer.”, A.89457-53, 02/02/2012, san-Francisco (CA, USA). | EN |
2012 | FEDOROVA (A.), BURDELOVA (N.), EMELYANOVA (E.), CHURKINA (S.), PONOMARENKO (I.), ALFEROV (S.), ZUBAREV (A.V.). First experience of combining use of histoscanning and sonoelastography in prostate cancer. e-Published at the annual European Congress of Radiology (ECR). Session “C – Scientific and Educational Exhibits (EPOS)”, C-2609, 01-04/03/2012, Wien (A). Page(s): 1-13. | EN |
2011 | APOLIHIN (O.I.), SIVKOV (A.V.), EFREMOV (G.D.), JERNOV (A.A.), JUKOV (O.B.), KESHISHEV (N.G.), KORJAKIN (A.B.).. Innovative approach to prostate cancer diagnosis: Computer-associated ultrasonography “HistoScanning”. Presented and published at the annual clinical-scientific conference with medical industry participation and special purpose exhibition: Beam diagnostics and scientific and technical progress in urology. 21/10/2011, Moscow (RUS). | RU |
2011 | BRAECKMAN (J.G.), AUTIER (P.), ZÁT’URA (F.), PELTIER (A.), ROMÍCS (I.), STENZL (A.), EMBERTON (M.). Evaluation of HistoScanning for the detection, location and volume estimation of prostate cancer: Results of open phase of the PHS-02 study. Published and presented at the annual meeting of the American Urological Association (AUA). Poster Session “Prostate Cancer: Localized 1”, A.1101066, Pub.1092, MP.34, 16/05/2011, Washington (DC, USA). | EN |
2011 | BRAECKMAN (J.G.), AUTIER (P.), ZÁT’URA (F.), PELTIER (A.), ROMÍCS (I.), STENZL (A.), EMBERTON (M.). Evaluation of HistoScanning for the detection, location and volume estimation of prostate cancer: Results of open phase of the PHS-02 study. Published and presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Urology (EAU). Poster Session #2 “Prostate Cancer Screening”, P.18, 19/03/2011, Wien (A). | EN |
2011 | DURNER (L.). Negativer Vorhersagewert von Prostata HistoScanning (Computergestütztes Analyseverfahren von Ultraschallwellenmustern zur Detektion von Prostatakrebs) – erste Ergebnisse. Published at the annual Gemeinsame Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Urologie und Andrologie und der Bayerischen Urologenvereinigung (ÖGU-BUV). Session #4 “PCa-Diagnose”, P.4.6, 02/06/2011, Klagenfurt (A). | DE |
2011 | DURNER (L.), MARKOVSKY (O.), SARBIA (M.), OBERNEDER (R.), KRIEGMAIR (M.). Negative predictive value of Prostate HistoScanning (Computer-aided Tissue Characterization for detection of prostate cancer): Preliminary results. Published at the annual meeting of the Société internationale d’urologie (SIU). Session “Unmoderated poster session 2: BPO/LUTS, Minimally invasive surgery, Prostate cancer”, P.2428.00, UP-02.126, 18/10/2011, Berlin (D). | EN |
2011 | EPPLEN (R.), THÜER (D.), van ERPS (T.), HEIDENREICH (A.). Detection of prostate cancer with HistoScanning. Published at the annual Genitourinary Cancers symposium of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (GUCA-ASCO). Session: General poster session A: Prostate cancer, A.55, 17-19/02/2011, Orlando (FL, USA). | EN |
2011 | EPPLEN (R.), van ERPS (T.), THÜER (D.), van ESSEN (J.), HEIDENREICH (A.). Detection of prostate cancer with HistoScanning. Published and presented at the annual congress of the Nordrhein-Westfälische Gesellschaft für Urologie (NRWGU). Session “Prostatakarzinom”, V.17, 14/04/2011, Aachen (D). | EN |
2011 | EPPLEN (R.), van ESSEN (J.), van ERPS (T.), THÜER (D.), KNÜCHEL-CLARKE (R.), HEIDENREICH (A.). Detection of prostate cancer by HistoScanning. Published and presented at the annual meeting of the Société Internationale d’Urologie (SIU). Session “Podium Session 2: Prostate cancer, detection and screening”, P.1432.00, POD-02.01, 17/10/2011, Berlin (D). | EN |
2011 | EPPLEN (R.), van ESSEN (J.), van ERPS (T.), THÜER (D.), PORRES (D.), KNÜCHEL-CLARKE (R.), HEIDENREICH (A.). Detection of prostate cancer by Histoscanning, a novel ultrasound based technique to detect and visualize changes in solid organ tissues: A comparison with pathology findings in 85 patients. Published and presented at the annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie (DGU). Poster session “Prostatakarzinom – Diagnostik”, P.8.6, 15/09/2011, Hamburg (D). | EN |
2011 | HAMANN (C.), SCHENK (E.J.), HAMANN (M.F.), NAUMANN (C.M.), JÜNEMANN (K.-P.). Histoscanning-gesteuerte perineale Prostatastanzbiopsie im Vergleich zur transrektalen schematischen 14-fach Stanzbiopsie. Published and presented at the Nordkongress Urologie of the Vereinigung Norddeutscher Urologen (NK-VNU). Session “Prostatakarzinom III – Diagnose und Prognose”, 28/05/2011, Rostock-Warnemünde (D). | DE |
2011 | HAMANN (C.), SCHENK (E.J.), HAMANN (M.F.), NAUMANN (C.M.), JÜNEMANN (K.-P.). Comparison of histological results performed by two pathologists of HistoScanning-guided prostate-biopsies. Published at the annual meeting of the Société internationale d’urologie (SIU). Session “Unmoderated poster session 2: BPO/LUTS, Minimally invasive surgery, Prostate cancer”, P.2357.00, UP-02.115, 18/10/2011, Berlin (D). | EN |
2011 | HAMANN (C.), SCHENK (E.J.), HAMANN (M.F.), NAUMANN (C.M.), JÜNEMANN (K.-P.). HistoScanning-guided prostate biopsy in comparison to a systemic 14-fold transrectal prostate biopsy. Published at the annual meeting of the Société internationale d’urologie (SIU). Session “Unmoderated poster session 2: BPO/LUTS, Minimally invasive surgery, Prostate cancer”, P.2357.00, UP-02.116, 18/10/2011, Berlin (D). | EN |
2011 | LABANARIS (A.P.), ECK (A.), ADDALI (M.), AFRAM (S.), WITT (J.), ZUGOR (V.). The value of computer-aided ultrasonography in the detection and evaluation of prostate cancer. Published and presented at the annual meeting of the Société Internationale d’Urologie (SIU). Session: “Moderated poster session 3: Prostate cancer, detection and staging”, MP-03.12, 17/10/2011, Berlin (D). | EN |
2011 | LEMINSKI (A.), RASHID (T.), SIMMONS (L.A.M.), MONZON (L.), WINKLER (M.). Histoscanning vs. pathology: Blinded assessment of prostate 3D-TRUS and histoscanning accuracy prior to elective radical prostatectomy. Published and presented at the Annual meeting of the Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne (PTU, Polish association of urology). Session “IV sesja platkowa choroby stercza – 4th poster session prostatic disease”, P.6, 09/09/2011, Gdánsk (PL). | EN |
2011 | LEMINSKI (A.), RASHID (T.), SIMMONS (L.A.M.), MONZON (L.), WINKLER (M.). Histoskanning vs. histopatologia: Niezalezna ocena dokladnosci diagnostycznej 3D-TRUS i histoskanningu gruczolu krokowego przed planowa prostatektomia radykalna. Published and presented at the Annual meeting of the Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne (PTU, Polish association of urology). Session “IV sesja platkowa choroby stercza – 4th poster session prostatic disease”, P.6, 09/09/2011, Gdánsk (PL). | PL |
2011 | LEMINSKI (A.), RASHID (T.), SIMMONS (L.A.M.), MONZON (L.), WINKLER (M.). Przedoperacyjna ocena stopnia zaawansowania raka stercza przy zastosowaniu 3D-TRUS i histoskanningu sprzyja zaoszczedzeniu peczków naczyniowo-nerwowych oraz moze zmniejszyc odsetek dodatnich marginesów chirurgicznych po prostatektomii radykalnej. Published and presented at the Annual meeting of the Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne (PTU, Polish association of urology). Session “IV sesja platkowa choroby stercza – 4th poster session prostatic disease”, P.7, 09/09/2011, Gdánsk (PL). | PL |
2011 | LEMINSKI (A.), RASHID (T.), SIMMONS (L.A.M.), MONZON (L.), WINKLER (M.). Preoperative staging of prostate cancer with 3D-TRUS and Histoscanning facilitates nerve sparing and may reduce positive surgical margin rate for radical prostatectomy. Published and presented at the Annual meeting of the Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne (PTU, Polish association of urology). Session “IV sesja platkowa choroby stercza – 4th poster session prostatic disease”, P.7, 09/09/2011, Gdánsk (PL). | EN |
2011 | LEMINSKI (A.), SIMMONS (L.A.M.), RASHID (T.), MONZON (L.), HAZELL (S.), WINKLER (M.). Pre-operative staging of prostate cancer with HistoScanning facilitates nerve-sparing prostatectomy and may increase complete excision of prostate cancers. Published at the International Symposium on Focal Therapy and Imaging in Prostate and Kidney Cancer (FTI-PKc). Poster #29, 25-27/05/2011, Noordwijk-aan-Zee (NL). | EN |
2011 | LEMINSKI (A.), SIMMONS (L.A.M.), RASHID (T.), MONZON (L.), HAZELL (S.), WINKLER (M.). Pre-operative staging of prostate cancer with Histoscanning facilitates nerve-sparing prostatectomy and may increase complete excision of prostate cancers. Published and presented at the annual meeting of the Société Internationale d’Urologie (SIU). Session “Moderated poster session 3: Prostate cancer, detection and staging”, P.1305.00, MP-03.15, 17/10/2011, Berlin (D). | EN |
2011 | RISKA (P.), BREITKOPF (U.), HAAG (U.). Erste Erfahrungen mit HistoScanning(HS) der Prostata an eine unselektionierten Patientenkollektiv. Published and presented at the annual meeting of the Südwestdeutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie (SWDGU). Theme 6 “Prostatakarzinom”, Session T2.8 “Prostatakarzinomdiagnostik 2011”, A.19, P.4 -328-0006-00019, 07/04/2011, Tübingen (D). | DE |
2011 | SCHENK (E.J.), HAMANN (C.), HAMANN (M.F.), NAUMANN (C.M.), JÜNEMANN (K.-P.). Histoscanning in der Diagnostik des Prostatakarzinoms: Eine anwenderbasierte klinische Übersicht von 17 Patienten mit stanzbioptisch gesichertem Prostatakarzinom. Published and presented at the Nordkongress Urologie of the Vereinigung Norddeutscher Urologen (NK-VNU). Session “Prostatakarzinom III – Diagnose und Prognose”, 28/05/2011, Rostock-Warnemünde (D). | DE |
2011 | SIMMONS (L.A.M.), AUTIER (P.), MOORE (C.M.), EMBERTON (M.). Ultrasound spectral interrogation of histological grade in prostate cancer using Prostate HistoScanning. Published and presented at the annual meeting of the European Association of Urology (EAU). Poster Session #80 “Prostate cancer: Prognostics and treatment”, P.967, 21/03/2011, Wien (A). | EN |
2011 | SIMMONS (L.A.M.), LEMINSKI (A.), RASHID (T.), HAZELL (S.), MONZON (L.), WINKLER (M.). Blinded assessment of Prostate HistoScanning accuracy compared to elective radical prostatectomy step sectioned histopathology. Published at the International Symposium on Focal Therapy and Imaging in Prostate and Kidney Cancer (FTI-PKc). Poster #28, 25-27/05/2011, Noordwijk-aan-Zee (NL). | EN |
2011 | SIMMONS (L.A.M.), LEMINSKI (A.), RASHID (T.), HAZELL (S.), MONZON (L.), WINKLER (M.). Blinded assessment of Prostate Histoscanning accuracy compared to elective radical prostatectomy step-sectioned histopathology. Published and presented at the annual meeting of the Société Internationale d’Urologie (SIU). Session “Moderated poster session 3: Prostate cancer, detection and staging”, P.1315.00, MP-03.16, 17/10/2011, Berlin (D). | EN |
2011 | van den HEUVEL (S.), SIMMONS (L.A.M.), AUTIER (P.), VERHAGEN (P.), MOORE (C.), EMBERTON (M.), BANGMA (C.). Inter-observer variability in the reporting of HistoScanning characterisation of prostate cancer. Published at the International Symposium on Focal Therapy and Imaging in Prostate and Kidney Cancer (FTI-PKc). Poster #22, 25-27/05/2011, Noordwijk-aan-Zee (NL). | EN |
2011 | van den HEUVEL (S.), SIMMONS (L.A.M.), AUTIER (P.), VERHAGEN (P.), MOORE (C.), EMBERTON (M.), BANGMA (C.). Inter-observer variability in the interpretation of HistoScanning characterisation of prostate cancer. Published and presented at the annual meeting of the Société Internationale d’Urologie (SIU). Session “Podium Session 7: Prostate Cancer, Localized”, P.1260.00, POD-07.06, 19/10/2011, Berlin (D). | EN |
2011 | ZUGOR (V.), ECK (A.), PORRES (D.), AFRAM (S.), WITT (J.). HistoScanning, eine neue diagnostische Methode zur Detektion des Prostatakarzinoms. Published and presented at the annual Gemeinsame Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Urologie und Andrologie und der Bayerischen Urologenvereinigung (ÖGU-BUV). Session “#4 PCa-Diagnose”, P.4.5, 02/06/2011, Klagenfurt (A). | DE |
2010 | DURNER (L.), MARKOVSKY (O.), SARBIA (M.), OBERNEDER (R.), KRIEGMAIR (M.). Negativer Vorhersagewert von Prostata HistoScanning. Published and presented at the annual meeting of the Südwestdeutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie (SWDGU). Poster session #5 “Prostata-Ca”, P5.4, 14/05/2010, Landau-in-der-Pfalz (D). | DE |
2010 | ECK (A.), ZUGOR (V.), AFRAM (S.), PORRES (D.), WAGNER (C.), AKCETIN (Z.), WITT (J.). Verbesserte Prostatakarzinomerkennung mittels Histoscanning®. Published and presented at the annual congress of the Nordrhein-Westfälische Gesellschaft für Urologie (NRWGU). Session “Paul-Mellin-Preis 1 / Prostatakarzinom”, V.2, 22/04/2010, Dortmund (D). | DE |
2010 | MÜNCH (A.), SCHROEDER (A.). Neue Versorgungsformen: Netzwerke sichern Innovation in der urologische Praxis. Published and presented at the annual meeting of the Südwestdeutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie (SWDGU). A.144, 13-15/05/2010, Landau-in-der-Pfalz (D). | DE |
2010 | NØRGAARD (N.), AUTIER (P.). Can HistoScanning help in the assessment of patients with raised serum PSA level: a pilot study. Published and presented at the annual meeting of the European Association of Urology (EAU). Session “Poster session 9: Imaging and new techniques”, P.147, 16-20/04/2010, Barcelona (E). | EN |
2010 | PEETERS (I.). ELAUT-prijs voor klinische presentatie: HistoScanning, betere beeldvorming voor prostaatkanker? Award-winning presentation at the bi-annual joint ELAUT-prijs/prix-ELAUT meeting of the Belgische Vereniging voor Urologie (BVU) and Société Belge d’Urologie (SBU) with publication in Andrologic. Issue 2. Vol. 6,. Page(s): 43-45. | NL |
2010 | PEETERS (I.). Prix ELAUT pour la meilleure présentation clinique: l’HistoScanning, la meilleure imagerie pour le cancer de la prostate? Award-winning presentation at the bi-annual joint ELAUT-prijs/prix-ELAUT meeting of the Belgische Vereniging voor Urologie (BVU) and Société Belge d’Urologie (SBU) with publication in Andrologic. Issue 2. Vol. 6,. Page(s): 43-45. | FR |
2010 | SHIMKO (M.S.), KNOEDLER (J.J.), UMBREIT (E.C.), MYNDERSE (L.A.). Correlation of 3-dimensional ultrasound computer-aided interpretation with dynamic contrast enhanced pelvic MRI in the detection of post radical prostatectomy local recurrence of prostate cancer. Published and presented at the annual meeting of the American Urological Association (AUA). P.1002782, 29-03/05/2010, San Francisco (CA, USA). | EN |
2010 | SPETHMANN (J.), LINSE (C.), HÄSE (A.), STEUBER (T.), SCHLOMM (T.), HEINZER (H.), GRÄFEN (M.), SALOMON (G.). Accuracy of computer-aided transrectal ultrasonography detection (HistoScanning) of prostate cancer in the prediction of a negative margin in radical prostatectomy patients. Published and presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Urology (EAU). Session “Poster session 6: Evaluating indolent prostate cancer 1”, P.103, 16-20/04/2010, Barcelona (E). | EN |
2010 | van ERPS (T.), THÜER (D.), EPPLEN (R.), PFISTER (D.J.K.P.), KNÜCHEL-CLARKE (R.), HEIDENREICH (A.). Detection of prostate cancer with HistoScanning. Published and presented at the annual European Symposium on Urogenital Radiology (ESUR). Scientific session 4, 12/09/2010, Brugge (B). | EN |
2010 | ZÁT’URA (F.), KLÉZL (P.), BÁRTA (J.), AUTIER (P.). Prostate HistoScanning examination in patients with past negative biopsy sessions: a pilot study. Published and presented at the annual meeting of the British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS). P.007, 21-24/06/2010, Manchester (GB). | EN |
2010 | ZUGOR (V.), ECK (A.), PORRES (D.), AFRAM (S.), WITT (J.). HistoScanning, eine neue diagnostische Methode zur Detektion des Prostatakarzinoms. Published and presented at the annual Nordkongress Urologie hosted by the Brandenburgische Gesellschaft für Urologie, the Berliner Urologische Gesellschaft and the Vereinigung Norddeutscher Urologen (NK-BGU-BUG-VNU). 17-19/06/2010, Potsdam (D). | DE |
2009 | GOVINDARAJU (S.K.), AHMED (H.U.), TREURNICHT (K.), JARMULOWICZ (M.), BLEIBERG (H.), BRAECKMAN (J.G.), MICHIELSEN (D.), ROMÍCS (I.), ZÁT’URA (F.), PELTIER (A.), AUTIER (P.), EMBERTON (M.). Ultrasound based tissue characterisation (Prostate HistoScanning) imaging for prostate cancer: Interim results from the exploratory phase of a prospective multi-centre trial. Published and presented at the annual meeting of the American Urological Association (AUA). P.1954, 29/04/2009, Chicago (IL, USA). | EN |
2009 | GOVINDARAJU (S.K.), AHMED (H.U.), TREURNICHT (K.), JARMULOWICZ (M.), BLEIBERG (H.), BRAECKMAN (J.G.), MICHIELSEN (D.), ROMÍCS (I.), ZÁT’URA (F.), PELTIER (A.), AUTIER (P.), EMBERTON (M.). Prostate HistoScanning – a computer aided diagnostic transrectal ultrasound imaging for prostate cancer: Interim results from a prospective multi-centre trial. Published and presented at the annual meeting of the British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS). P.9, 23/06/2009, Glasgow (GB). | EN |
2009 | GOVINDARAJU (S.K.), AHMED (H.U.), TREURNICHT (K.), JARMULOWICZ (M.), BLEIBERG (H.), BRAECKMAN (J.G.), MICHIELSEN (D.), ROMÍCS (I.), ZÁT’URA (F.), PELTIER (A.), EMBERTON (M.). Tissue characterisation (HistoScanning) for detection of prostate cancer: Interim results from the exploratory phase of a prospective multi-centre trial. Published and presented at annual meeting of the European Association of Urology (EAU). P.941, 17-21/03/2009, Stockholm (S). | EN |
2009 | KUMAAR (S.), AHMED (H.U.), TREURNICHT (K.), JARMULOWICZ (M.), BLEIBERG (H.), BRAECKMAN (J.G.), MICHIELSEN (D.), ROMÍCS (I.), ZÁT’URA (F.), PELTIER (A.), AUTIER (P.), EMBERTON (M.). Potential role of Prostate HistoScanning in focal therapy. Published and presented at the International Symposium on Focal Therapy and Imaging in Prostate and Kidney Cancer (FTI-PKc). P.47, 10-13/06/2009, Amsterdam-Noordwijk (NL). | EN |
2008 | BRAECKMAN (J.G.), MICHIELSEN (D.), SOVIANY (C.), NIR (R.), NIR (D.), BLEIBERG (H.), AUTIER (P.), GOVINDARAJU (S.K.), EMBERTON (M.). The ability of Prostate HistoScanning to identify low volume prostate cancer tumour foci. Published and presented at the annual meeting of the European Association of Urology (EAU). P.1016, 27/03/2008, Milano (I). | EN |
2008 | GOVINDARAJU (S.K.), BRAECKMAN (J.G.), SOVIANY (C.), NIR (R.), NIR (D.), BLEIBERG (H.), EMBERTON (M.). Prostate HistoScanning (PHS) technology and its potential use in focal therapy. Published and presented at the International Symposium on Focal Therapy and Imaging in Prostate and Kidney Cancer (FTI-PKc). 21-22/02/2008, Durham (NC, USA). | EN |